Bob Clouse
Bob Clouse was appointed to the Fair Oaks Cemetery District Board of Directors in 2005. He and his wife Jeanne have lived in Fair Oaks since 1974. Bob has owned and operated Bob Clouse Insurance, an independent insurance agency, since 1978. He is active in the Fair Oaks Chamber of Commerce and has been active in other activities in the community which include Past Master of Fair Oaks Grange; Past Master of California State Grange; Past chairman of the Board of Directors of the National Grange (Wash. D.C.). He is a past President of Del Campo Girls Softball, served as President of Sacramento County Fair Board of Directors, has worked with Boy Scouts of America where he received the Silver Bear award, and he is currently VP California FFA Foundation. He enjoys hunting, fishing and going to the Sacramento Kings basketball games.

Patricia M. Vogel
Pat Vogel was appointed to the Fair Oaks Cemetery District Board of Trustees in February 2005 by Supervisor Roberta MacGlashan. Pat is a retired secretary from the State of Calif. She has been on the Fair Oaks Water District Policy Advisory Committee, a past Fair Oaks Theatre Festival board member, and is a member of the Fair Oaks Historical Society. Pat is a Past President and Vice President of Fair Oaks Inner Wheel. She is an active member of the Fair Oaks Chamber of Commerce and the Fair Oaks Womens Thursday Club. Pat has been married for 51 years, and has lived in Fair Oaks since 1978.

Carolyn Flood
Carolyn Flood was first appointed to the Fair Oaks Cemetery Board of Trustees by Supervisor, Dave Cox, serving from 1993 to 1996. In April of 2006, she returned to the board after being appointed by Supervisor Roberta MacGlashan and, subsequently, was reappointed by Supervisor, Susan Peters. She has been a resident of Fair Oaks since 1975.

Don Neufeld
Don Neufeld was first appointed to the Fair Oaks Cemetery Board of Trustees by Supervisor

Pete Schroeder
Pete Schroeder was appointed to the Fair Oaks Cemetery Board of Trustees by Supervisor Susan Peters.